Samsung heir Lee Jae-yong jailed for corruption

A court in South Korea has condemned Samsung's extremely rich person beneficiary clear Lee Jae-yong to five years in jail for debasement.

Lee was indicted pay off in an outrage that additionally observed the prosecution of South Korea's previous president.

The case has grasped people in general in the midst of developing resentment against South Korea's greatest organizations, known as chaebols.

Lee, who denied all charges, had confronted a correctional facility sentence of up to 12 years.

Otherwise called Jay Y Lee, the accepted leader of the world's biggest cell phone producer had been kept since February on a string of defilement allegations.

These included pay off, misappropriation and concealing resources abroad.

What did he do?

The 49-year-old is blamed for giving gifts worth 41bn won ($36m; £29m) to non-benefit establishments worked by Choi Soon-sil, a companion of South Korea's previous President Park Geun-hye, as a byproduct of political favors.

Prosecutors said the gifts were made to Ms Park's compatriot to win government bolster for a major rebuilding of Samsung that would fortify Lee's control over Samsung Electronics.

However, Lee's guard group said that the installments were closed down without his insight.

Lee has already conceded that the firm likewise gave a steed and cash to help the equestrian vocation of Choi's little girl, Chung Yoo-ra, however denied looking for favors.

What does the imprisoning of its beneficiary mean for Samsung?

Samsung outrage: Who is Lee Jae-yong?

Is genuine change conceivable at South Korea's chaebols?

The awfulness of South Korea's Park Geun-hye

Samsung says sorry for outrage

His attorney said on Friday they would request against the court's choice.

"We are sure the decision will be toppled," Song Wu-cheol said.

Who else is included?

The case added to President Park's inevitable reprimand and she now confronts trial for debasement herself, something she denies.

Her companion Choi has just been imprisoned for a long time subsequent to being discovered liable of utilizing her position of impact to request favors for her girl.

South Korea's Chung Yoo-ra , nibbles her gold decoration as she postures in the wake of winning the equestrian Dressage Team rivalry at the Dream Park Equestrian Venue amid the seventeenth Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea, on 20 September 2014.Image copyrightREUTERS

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Chung Yoo-ra won a gold decoration for dressage in the 2014 Asian Games

On Friday, two other Samsung administrators, Choi Gee-sung and Chang Choong-ki, were likewise indicted in an indistinguishable trial from Lee and condemned to four years in jail. Previous Samsung Electronics president Park Sang-jin and official VP Hwang Sung-soo were given suspended sentences.

Will Lee serve time in prison?

Examination - by the BBC's Yogita Limaye in Seoul

This isn't the first run through a best official of a major aggregate has been sentenced for defilement in South Korea.

Yet, previously, they've either been given suspended sentences or have been exculpated by the president.

The new president, Moon Jae-in, has just said there will be not any more presidential exculpations.

South Korean dissenters yell trademarks against Samsung beneficiary Lee Jae-Yong before the Seoul Central District Court in Seoul, South Korea, 25 August 2017Image copyrightEPA

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South Korean dissenters yelled trademarks against Mr Lee before the court in Seoul

So if Lee's sentence is maintained by higher courts and he winds up serving his total sentence in prison or a noteworthy piece of it, that will be a takeoff from what we've found in South Korea before.

Also, the new government says that will be a solid message to chaebols that they have to tidy up the way they work together.

What does it mean for Samsung?

The conviction speaks to a colossal hit to South Korea's greatest and most surely understood business realm. Since the decision, Samsung shares fell by 1%.

It additionally brings up issues about the future administration of the family-run aggregate. Lee has been remaining in as director since his dad, Lee Kun-hee, endured a heart assault in 2014.

Lee has two sisters, who are in administration parts in various parts of the Samsung gathering, however it is hazy whether they could be acquired to higher positions.

Since Lee's capture a half year back, the gathering's business operations have proceeded with to a great extent unaffected.

Samsung Electronics posted a record benefit of 11tn won for the most recent quarter and the firm has discharged its new lead Galaxy S8 cell phone, shutting the book on the sad review of the detonating Galaxy Note 7.

The Samsung Group, made up of 60 interlinked organizations, is vital toward the South Korean economy, with deals identical to about a fifth of the national GDP.

The chaebol incorporates a shipbuilding division, a development organization, and pharmaceuticals and publicizing arms.

What is a chaebol?

The word chaebol is a blend of the Korean words for faction and riches

It is the name given to South Korea's monstrous family-run business realms that use gigantic impact in the nation

They ordinarily possess various global endeavors

Different illustrations incorporate LG, Lotte and Hyundai